Inlinks’ SEO APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow developers to access cutting-edge SEO analysis and embed them in their own software and services. These APIs are updated daily to account for Knowledge Graphs changes and InLinks’ latest developments.
What APIs are offered by Inlinks?
Inlinks currently provides two types of SEO APIs:
These APIs are available to all Inlinks users having a level 4+ subscription.
Supported languages are English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch and Spanish.
- If you are an Enterprise user, you can also generate your own Google NLP API key, for use with our tools.
1. Search Engine Understanding and NLP API
This API lets you send a URL to get:
- The list of entities detected by Inlinks
- The entities detected by Google
- The category or type of each entity
- The Search Engine Understanding score
- A Semantic Schema markup you can add to a webpage to ensure Google correctly understands the entities you’re talking about.
How to start using the API
- Go to your Inlinks Dashboard > My account and grab your API key and your customer id
- call the API as follows (PHP example) :
Input Code
$url = '' ; $apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY ; $customer_id = YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID ; $apiURL = ''.$apiKey.'&url='.$url.'&cid='.$customer_id; $curl_handle=curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL,$apiURL); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 8); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); $data = json_decode(curl_exec($curl_handle)); curl_close($curl_handle) ;
API Response
$entities = $data->entities ; // returns an array of entities objects
$seu_score = $data->seu_score ; // returns the SEU score
$message = $data->message ; // returns a message in case of problem
$httpStatus = $data->status ; // Response status. 200 if OK
$schema = $data->schema ; // Semantic Schema in JSON format
Here is what an entity object looks like
$entity = object(stdClass) { ["word"] => "detected word", ["entity"] => "corresponding entity", ["entityID"] => "364978", // Entity ID or null ["sameAs"] => "absolute wikipedia URL", ["category"]= > "Entity category", ["weight"] => "1", // Nb of times the entity has been detected ["detected"] => 1 // 1 if detected by Google, 0 if not }
Main API characteristics & cost
- The API is synchronous but may take a few seconds to provide the response.
- The rate limitation is one call every 5 seconds. Enterprise Plan users don’t have any rate limitation.
- An API call costs one credit.
API Error codes
If the API call is successful, the API response status is 200. Otherwise, one of the following error codes can be returned:
- 204: No Content or Enabled to access/analyse the content
- 400: Invalid Parameter (customer_id)
- 401: Invalid API key
- 402: Payment Required
- 415: Unsupported Language
- 429: Too Many Requests (rate limitation exceeded)
2. Content Audit API
This API lets you get a white-label SEO content audit, similar to the InLinks Content Audit tool.
An API call requires the following parameters:
- The keyword or phrase to audit
- The selected language/market (see list below)
- The selected Search Engine
- An existing URL to audit (optional)
- Your Customer ID and associated API key
The output of this API is a web page, not XML. If the call is successful, the API returns the URL of the Content Audit.
How to start using the API
- Go to your Inlinks Dashboard > My account and grab your API key and your customer id
- Upload your own logo to your My Account page
- Call the API as follows (PHP example) :
Input Code
/* Markets List FR-FR // French – France FR-CA // French – Canada FR-BE // French – Belgium EN-US // English – United States EN-UK // English – UK EN-CA // English – Canada EN-AU // English – Australia EN-IN // English – India EN-NZ // English – New Zealand EN-ZA // English – SOuth Africa EN-IE // English – Ireland EN-SG // English – Singapore EN-MY // English – Malaysia ES-ES // Spanish – Spain ES-EV // Spanish – Venezuela ES-AR // Spanish – Argentina ES-CO // Spanish – Columbia ES-GT // Spanish – Guatemala ES-CR // Spanish – Costa Rica ES-DO // Spanish – Dominican Republic ES-PE // Spanish – Peru ES-MX // Spanish – Mexico ES-UY // Spanish – Uruguay // Input Parameters $searchType = 1 ; // 1 = Google Search // 2= Bing News ; $keyword = ‘YOUR KEYWORD’ ; // Shall be URL encoded $customer_id = ‘YOUR CUSTOMER ID’ ; $api_key = ‘YOUR API KEY’ ; $market = ‘EN-US’ ; // see market list above $refURL = ‘URL TO AUDIT’ ; // LEFT BLANK FOR A CONTENT BRIEF $doc = array(); $doc[‘keyword’] = $keyword ; $doc[‘urls’] = $urls ; $doc[‘market’] = $market ; $doc[‘cid’] = $customer_id ; $doc[‘search’] = $searchType ; $doc[‘refURL’] = $refURL ; $payload = json_encode($doc) ; $url = ‘’ . $api_key . ‘&payload=’ .$payload ; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘Content-Type:application/json’)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $results = json_decode(curl_exec($ch)); curl_close ($ch);
API Response
$httpStatus = $results->code ; // 200: OK $auditURL = $results->msg ; // Content Audit URL
Main API characteristics
- The Content Audit API is synchronous, but the Final Content Audit may take up to 2 minutes to show up.
- No rate limitation
- An API call costs five credits + 1 credit if an URL is submitted.
API Error codes
If the API call is successful, the API response status is 200. Otherwise, one of the following error codes can be returned:
- 204: No Content or Enabled to access/analyse the content
- 400: Invalid Parameter
- 401: Invalid API key
- 402: Payment Required
Adding your own Google NLP API Key (Enterprise users only)
If you are an Enterprise user, generating your own API key for Google’s Natural Language API is best. We then use this on your server rather than ours since Google limits its free usage of its natural language API. Getting a key is not hard. Just follow the instructions below.
1: Navigate to, which may redirect to a dashboard. If it does, then look for the “Library” tab as shown.

2: Look under “Machine Learning APIs” and select the “Cloud Natural Language API”.

3: Follow Google’s instructions to enable this API

4: Supply InLinks with the API key generated so that we add this to your server.