Booking a demo with our team enables you to instantly start implementing the powerful features provided on the InLinks platform, in addition when you do a demo and you upgrade to a paid account we’ll offer to Set up your first project for you*.

Our demo sessions (done via Zoom or Teams) last approximately 30 minutes and cover the following :

  • Building your project for your website
  • Showing you how to associate your pages to topics (for internal linking and schema generation)
  • How to audit your existing pages for entities
  • How to create a content brief for a new keyword
  • How to add and validate the Javascript code on your website
  • Answering all of your questions related to InLinks

(Other options: Démo en français, Enterprise Level Discussion)

It’s completely FREE and people that take the demo can outperform those that don’t within days.

*We will set up your target pages, to create logical Internal links and schema.