How To Unsubscribe
Newsletters and Promotional Emails
We definitely did NOT mean to send you emails that you did not ask for. When you confirmed your email with us, it is likely that you also chose to opt-in to these at the same time. However, unsubscribing is as easy as asking to set your account to unsubscribed using the chat box on this screen.

If, by chance, your browser does not allow the chat box popup, then just let us know on the form over this page. Don’t worry; it is a straightforward form!
Stopping 1 to 1 Messages
If you ask us a question in the Chat, we assume you still want us to reply to that message.
We have system emails specific to the activity on your account. For example, sending monthly emails regarding your account, which notify you that your account credit levels have been refreshed. If these are annoying you, you may request that the account is deleted. The only downside is that setting up NEW free accounts may not be available forever, so do bear this in mind. If you ever come back to InLinks, you may only be able to join with a paid option.
GDPR SARS Requests
Under UK legislation, Individuals (as opposed to organisations) have rights over your data. As InLinks only deals with people in the context of running a business, it is generally assumed that you are engaging with InLinks in a business capacity. However, we remain committed to the principles of GDPR, and are registered with the ICO.
You can assess your rights as an individual over on the ICO website. If you wish to contact us in this regard, please also make that plain in your request. Extreme data requests might incur an appropriate (reasonable) fee, but this would be the exception, not the norm.