The New InLinks Topic Planner

What it is, how to use it, and why it works

The InLinks Topic Planner is designed to help you identify content gaps, expand topic clusters, and seamlessly interlink your entire website. It provides a solution to the age-old question: “What should I write about next?”

This huge new update transforms InLinks into a complete, full-suite holistic SEO software by offering a remarkable understanding of the entities on your website and creating pages to fill any gaps. This deep insight helps users gain a competitive edge and enhances the platform’s capabilities.

In this post, I will delve into what the new InLinks Topic Planner is and how to use it.

If you prefer watching and listening than reading, Dixon shot a video explaining how the tool works:

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First, let’s start with a website. is what we’ll go with here – a popular dieting and food trendsetting site that will obviously face the inevitable question of what to write about next due to the nature of the fast-moving diet industry.

InLinks first takes the site, and analyses all of the entities. These are concepts and ideas that align with Google’s Knowledge Graph – the thing that keeps the whole web ticking!

Now we have a lovely overview of the topics covered. But how does this relate to the topics that SHOULD be covered, according to Google’s algorithm?

This is where the new topic planner comes in.

First, head over to the topic planner and you will see there is an action to take: ‘Choose your website’s main topic’

This will inevitably be difficult, so here are a few tips on choosing the right one:

Tip one: Zoom out

Try not to think of an individual product or section of your site and zoom out to find the idea that categorises your site. For, the main topic that connects every page is the idea of Keto. Sure, it focuses on lifestyles and diets, but there is a common theme on all pages, and it is Keto.

Tip two: Your first guess is often the right one

You know your website and your competitors well. What space are you trying to break into? This topic planner will start to delve into it and rank for it. If you get too pedantic, you may corner yourself into something that is not relevant.

Tip three: Be ambitious

Yes, you may think that keto is a huge space to aim for, but if it is right, then InLinks will help you get there. I fear that SEOs are often scared by the heavy-hitting ‘keyword’ culture. InLinks focuses on expanding your website to be the most helpful it can be, meaning even the smallest websites can appease the entity algorithm. We do not focus on keywords, and for good reason – they set unrealistic expectations and negate the idea of holistic SEO.

Tip four: You will get another chance at this!

Yes, this does ask you to pick the most important topic, but the analysis will not stop here. After this, InLinks will do a deep dive into other topics and clusters. Do not worry if you get this wrong at first, you will not be penalised and InLinks will continue to analyse for more topics after this initial set-up.

OK, now we have the tips out of the way, we can start looking at the magic!

Once you have selected the topic, there will be four main categories to interact with. These are:

1- Clusters that need a pillar page

2- Clusters that need a supporting page

3- Clusters that are completed

Before we tackle these section by section, I want to talk about the importance of curating these clusters. This is to say, do not start working on clusters that are not and will not be relevant to you. There will be overlap, as InLinks will be expanding on semantically similar clusters, so try to get rid of the clusters that do not serve you. To do this, press the small trash icon on the bottom right-hand side of each unwanted cluster.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at each section!

Clusters that need a pillar page

InLinks looks at all of your content and figures out clusters that you talk about, but do not have a pillar page for.  Let’s look in depth at the cluster ‘Keto Snacks’

Now, it’s time to associate pages with your cluster and its subpages. currently lacks a defined pillar page for Keto Snacks. To create one, simply click the “associate” button and select the main URL that best represents this topic. Think of this as the cornerstone page for Keto Snacks—the go-to resource where you explain what they are and how to make them. It doesn’t need to be lengthy, but it should serve as the primary destination for visitors who want to explore all your content on Keto Snacks.

Click on the ‘associate’ button next to the top page section (highlighted). You will see this page:

If this page already exists, then copy and paste the URL. If it does not exist, create a brief and InLinks will tell you how to write it, or even write it for you with our outstanding AI.

Once that is done, this cluster will become part of the second category…

Clusters that need supporting pages

This is where the cluster has a pillar page but needs supporting content to be really useful.

In this cluster, Keto Breakfast, a top page has been specified, but the sub-pages are yet to be fulfilled. Your next job is to associate or write content that fulfils the subpage targets that InLinks has specified. These are 11 area in which keto breakfast can be expanded with useful content.

Luckily, the basic theory here still applies. Just go through, press associate, then find a URL that fulfils these areas. You can see that ‘casserole’ and ‘muffins’ related pages have already been detected and automatically associated by the tool.

Once all of this has been finished, you can sit back and enjoy the third category.

Completed clusters

This is what you should be aiming for. An entire topic that has completed clusters. Inevitably, some clusters will be bigger than others, but the theory is the same. Once all parts of a cluster has an associated top pillar page and sub-pages you can show your boss or your client that the website is up-to-date. Trust me, it’s a great feeling.

After completing the topic clusters in full, you may want to look at some suggested clusters from the tool. This is content that might feel a bit different to your current stuff, but could be a great fit.

On to the next one!

Finished an entire topic? Start a new one! Perhaps you have multiple entities that could define your website. If this is the case, dive into a whole new topic using this button here:

And the planning/publishing phase starts all over again.

What does associating actually achieve?

Once you associate an entire cluster, InLinks can then start to automate internal links and schema towards those pages. Using our JS code, all of your internal linking will be live without you having to move a muscle, and the schema will disambiguate every page to make sure Google knows exactly what you’re talking about, and where unique topics lie on your page. This will create a brilliant, helpful, clustered network of entities that will amaze any client.

Moreover, the new system automatically generates an impressive number of highly effective backlinks as users work, seamlessly integrating contextual links and delivering far more backlinks (as well as schema) than before. This not only improves the quality of link-building, but also enhances the overall SEO performance. You have the ability to disable the auto-targeting feature if you prefer, but why create more work for yourself?

By allowing the automation of link creation while maintaining contextually relevant connections, the InLinks Topic Planner significantly boosts the efficiency of digital marketing efforts and search engine visibility. This makes it an invaluable tool for optimizing content and achieving higher search rankings.

By using this method, you can organize, create and interlink content much easier than ever before.

Not enough info here?

No worries! Book a free demo with one of our team to talk you through your first project. We’re more than happy to answer all of your questions and listen to your feedback.

Happy Inlinksing!

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