A Conference for Charity

I have been asked to talk about Entity SEO and my take on how search is going at a charity conference on the 27th January 2022. You donate as little or as much as you like.

The event is virtual and based on US timezones (well, Costa Rican Timezones, actually)

Marco Benevides and Jordan Fowler are organizing the event and do not set a minimum amount that you can donate. He likes to say, your heart will move you to donate, and your wallet will determine how much. It’s a very worthwhile cause helping young girls who are victims of physical and sexual abuse. They’re often in situations where their lives are at risk, but we can make a big difference by donating

What’s the series going to be about?

This time around Marco will also be sharing some how-to. But what does that mean? I asked him:

Well, in the past, I’ve focused on creating a road-map you can follow to get results. However, I’ve decided to also include a “how-to” session for webinar attendees. This part of the event will not be recorded. It will only be available to people who attend the live event. I will share a method I’ve used to recover up to 20% of lost traffic due to Google’s constant adjustments of its core algorithms. If you have websites that have remained steady, you can possibly gain up to 20% more traffic with just some simple tweaks. And, last but not least, if you’re already gaining traffic, then you can boost it by up to 20%.

Marco Benivides

These are simple methods that you can use right now on any existing project. You can also apply the methods to new projects and get fantastic results. So, attend the webinar and get some “how-to” along with the road map to getting results online.

The presenters:

Once again, they’ve gathered a group of experts to talk to you about what’s working in SEO today, and what will continue working well into the future.

This is the current list:

Jan 13th, 2022, Rob and Marco will kick it off by talking about Worriless (Entity-based) SEO.

Jan 20th 2022, Jordan Fowler of Moon and Owl Marketing will discuss the importance of Branding.

Jan 27th 2022, Dixon Jones (that’s me) will show you all about Entities in SEO.

February 3rd 2022, DC Glenn of Tag Team will come along and give you the scoop on the lasting success of Tag Team

February 10th 2022, Bradley Benner of Semantic Mastery discusses how to use PPC Ads for Branding

February 17th 2022, Rob and I will close it off with a recap, a bit more “how-to” and announce the winners of the prizes.

There are also Prizes

The prize list:

  • Two of you will win one hour each of FREE consultation time with Marco
  • Two of you will win one hour each of FREE schema consultation with Rob Beal
  • Two of you will win one hour each of FREE consultation time with Jordan Fowler

In addition, THHC.store will give away:

  • Three Gsites + Drive stacks
  • Two Gsite + Drive stack expansions
  • One Deep Keyword Research Gig
  • Three of you will get a link building package each that consists of 7k+ 20k + 50k GSA

From Schematect:

Three one-month unrestricted memberships to the schema builder

From the Heavy Hitter Club:

Three one-month unrestricted memberships to the HHC. You can also attend the webinars during the free membership and ask questions.

That’s not all! More prizes will be announced during the webinars.

If you have not donated yet, now’s a great time to do so here (https://heavyhitter.club/hhc/donations/).

Give freely. It’s hard to beat the feeling of satisfaction you get when you know you’ve helped the most vulnerable.

And, you never know what else you’ll get back!

Why the giveaways?

The organizers want to show their appreciation.

So, on behalf of the charity, Hogar Siembra, the presenters, and myself, thank you so much for your kindness.

See you at the events!

Dixon (and alot of this was written by Marco)

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