Entries by Dixon


FAQ Schema Generator

InLinks has a built-in FAQ Schema Generator. Inlinks to scan your content looking for questions in your text that you answer succinctly and will then automate the generation of FAQ Schema and show an “accepted answer” using JSON-LD automatically. This means that FAQ schema can appear anywhere on your site, not simply on a dedicated […]


New way to measure how Google understands content in a verticle

Inlinks has today started a series of ongoing reports for the Online Marketing Industry. Each report selects an industry sector with a keyword triggered market focus. The reports then compare the entities identified on the most relevant content for that market with the entities detected using Google’s Natural Language Processing API. The results show at […]

New Stuff: Improved Javascript code and more

It has been a busy week. The most notable launch was Monday’s announcement that you can now start assigning content briefs to writers, as reported in our “Content Management system for SEOs” post. There are also a few things that were fixed along the way that I never got around to documenting. Adding “Defer” to […]


Content Management for SEO Content Writers

InLinks has launched the ability to assign content briefs to SEO Content writers, whilst retaining overall control of the content. This turns the Inlinks optimization module into an SEO Content management system. It gives the ability for SEOs who need to delegate content writing to freelancers or in-house teams. Enterprise Collaboration Tool InLinks builds content […]

February 2020 InLinks Roundup

Newsletters suck, but keeping on top of developments doesn’t. So at InLinks we are going for Brevity. Here are February’s main talking points. Take your pick: Now you can manage and change the links created by InLinks. Amend your Competitors for any search term you optimize for. Why using a keyword on the page is […]

Change your Competitor List

When trying to write better content than anyone else, our content optimization tool uses the top search results to build a content brief. At times, though, you know better than the search engines as to what is the BEST content out there, so we have given you the chance to change the competitor cohort list […]

How to Add, Remove or Disable the Internal Links

If you need to modify the way in which inLinks builds internal links, you can: Delete links easily from the links screen Add Internal links manually Change the default behaviour completely (advanced use) Here is a short video to demonstrate the ways in which you can modify links.

Change Competitors on Content Analysis Tool

When you create content briefs to write the perfect content for search, inLinks analyses the top 10 URLs that rank for that phrase in your market. Now we have given paid accounts the ability to change URLs in that competitor set. This might be useful if: The competitor page is uncrawlable There is a better […]

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Manually Manage Internal Linking

Managing Internal Links is a real challenge for SEOs and although inLinks has automated much of this process, sometimes you need to be a little more precise and perhaps would like to create your own. The inLinks system now supports the ability to curate and create internal links directly from your inlinks.net dashboard, so now […]

API Upgrade and More

Today we have upgraded the API for our NLP analysis algorithm so that it works significantly faster and picks up more topics. The API is the part of our system that integrates the web interface with our Knowledge Base. When you update your associations or topics, this creates a ripple in the space-time continuum (OK… […]

Addressed a minor .js issue

One of our users noticed that when a page loaded which had our code on, but that page itself was not analyzed against our knowledge graph, the .js file called a non-existant JSON file, which created a 404 error in testing. In truth, the “cost” was small, but we are SEOs and details matter, so […]

inLinks Case Study: WP SEO Traps

Over the holiday break, I ran and recorded a case study to take an old piece of content, run it through the inLinks system and update it, then record the changes to the SERPs. The results (if you don’t want to watch how it was done): The phrase “WP SEO Traps” went from position 9 […]

SEO Learnings on how Google Handles Javascript

Google now starts to index your Javascript within seconds of its initial HTML crawl of your site. But that is not the full story when it comes to Javascript SEO. Even without being a programmer – this stuff matters for SEOs (and inLinks users). This post goes behind the scenes a little to get the […]


Create Content Briefs without setting a Project/Domain

A couple more launches this week. The main one is that we have set up a special “project” available on everyone’s inlinks Dashboard (requires a login to see that link). The project is specifically for creating content without having a specific URL or website to link it to. You are also able to start your […]

Find, Filter and Search Pages

On the project dashboard, there were previously limited options for filtering the pages in your project. More problematic was an inability to display ALL the pages at once. This issue has been resolved by adding a new “search” function, to the right of the “page” column in the main project dashboard. The search looks up […]

New Accounts Dashboard

The usage details on the account dashboard were not at all clear. We hope this new detail gives much more clarity to your account usage.

Improvements to Upgrading

We now will now account for unused time when you upgrade mid-billing cycle. Previously, if you upgraded mid-cycle, we started a new subscription and then had to retrospectively refund any unused credit. This meant changing your billing date and relying on everyone to play nice. Now the system will keep the regular billing date but […]


Added ability to start new projects from scratch

When clicking on “New project” from the dashboard page, you can now select the “start from scratch” checkbox to start with an empty project. You’ll then be able to add pages manually by copy/paste. Let us know if something isn’t right with this. If you do not select this box, inLinks will pull the 20 […]