Entries by Dixon

How to find internal linking opportunities in your content

Internal linking is complex. As you focus on keeping your content pipeline fresh, tracking every piece and building internal links to them is tedious, but the benefits are immense. If you manage internal links for your website or a client’s, here’s how to find internal linking opportunities within your content pages and quickly build them with InLinks.

Psst… Social Media Marketing Tool Waitlist

We have this idea… What if we combine our ability to understand the meaning of your website with OpenAI to generate perfect social media posts that resonate with your audiences? Do you want to create engaging and effective social media messages for your brand? Our tool will help you craft the perfect posts for your […]

Govtrackr closing as Twitter Sunsets Dev API.

In a blow to the Deliberate Democracy Movement we have to close GovTrackr. Elon Musk’s Twitter has announced that it will close its API offerings to selected developers. This was particularly useful when the war started in Ukraine (and is still helpful for Ukrainians or people wanting to see what is happening in real-time on […]

Generate Better Content Using ChatGPT

The SEO world is kicking a storm about ChatGPT (also called Chat.Openai.com). But with a million users signing up in its first five days, just using this to write your content for you will not give you an advantage for long! So InLinks has come up with an exciting way to guide this fantastic tool […]

Terms and Conditions

(version date: 20240402) These Terms and Conditions (« Agreement« ) are a legally binding agreement between the user (« User » or « you« ) of the InLinks Services and Applicable InLinks operating Company (« InLinks« , the « Supplier », « we » or « us« ) as described herein. Please make sure you fully understand the contents of this Agreement. If you have any doubts about any […]

InLinks.net acquires InLinks.com and becomes InLinks®

I am delighted to announce that InLinks now has control of its .com domain and has trademarked the word “InLinks” in the United States. A HUGE thanks must go out to a well known Canadian SEO, Dave Davies for helping us to acquire the domain. Dave acquired it himself back in February, along with a […]

A Big Leap Forward in SEO Tools

InLinks has just launched a significant site change, which looks different and adds a new layer of functionality. For the first time, Keyword research at the SITE level is possible in a way that develops keyword ideas, questions and Topics in a way that is contextually relevant to your existing website and business. But much […]

Topic Clustering in Keyword Research

Current keyword research for SEO is based around finding a list of keywords with comparative search volumes and some element of competition. (That is to say, how hard it would be to rank for the keyword). Typically, the equation to evaluate the best keywords in a list has been like this: Keyword Opportunity = (Search […]

Our new US Ambassador is: Grant Simmons!

Well – this is a bit of a coup for us. Grant Simmons has been in the SEO industry forever. Before recently taking on Freelance work, Grant was head of SEO at Homes.com! Luckily (for @InLinks), Homes.com got bought out recently creating an opportunity for Grant to follow a new path! Grant fits right into […]

Keyword Topic Gaps

Following requests from our users, we have reinstated and improved our Topic Gap tool in our content editor. Understanding what topics Google is seeing the best-ranked content for any keyword and region goes a long way toward content planning. This research can take many hours for every page when carried out manually. InLinks is not […]

Topic Research Tools – The New Keyword Research

InLinks has launched a revolutionary new topic research tool and methodology. With its new Content Optimization Editor launch, InLinks has totally reimagined keyword research for SEO and introduced meaningful clustering and a whole new approach to satisfying user intent. What is this Keyword Research Tool? (And why is it Different?) Most keyword research is based […]


If you are a new user, you may want to review the FAQs that our users usually ask. If the answer you are looking for is not here, please feel free to contact us using the chat button. GENERAL FAQs ACCOUNT AND BILLING FAQs INLINKS FEATURES FAQs Internal linking: Javascript Schema Adding Pages Page Audits […]

Entity SEO now in Italian

Inlinks can now help you optimize Internal links, content, and Schema on Italian websites. Inlinks is a new breed of SEO technology, which was built, from the ground up, around Entities and being able to extract them from any corpus of text and create a knowledge graph from the content, which is then used for […]

Booking Calendar

Our booking calendar displays the dates and time our team is available to carry out demo presentations of InLinks. Our group calendar contains several of our team members with timezones covering the US and Europe. Why book a demo session with InLinks? As the InLinks platform requires a bit of a learning curve initially, we […]

Curate your Knowledge Graph

We have just made it easier to provide feedback about where our entity analysis makes errors or is not as useful as you would like. We encourage you to make use of this every time you start a new project, as your feedback loops will quickly help us to improve our understanding of your new […]

Internal Linking Score

The Internal Linking Score (aka Internal Link Score or just ILS) is a proprietary metric from InLinks. ILS shows the percentage of link opportunities missed. We calculate it as: The metric is important to SEO. Internal Linking is missed 82% of the time. This is according to the research of over 5,000 sites that are […]

German Knowledge Graph Launches

If you are a German SEO, please tell others in Germany about this! Today, InLinks is delighted to say that you can now create projects based on German content around a German Knowledge Graph. InLinks is an SEO tool built from the ground up around topics and entities instead of simple keywords. But some languages […]

What to do if we are Unable to Retrieve Content

If you add a new website and see this message, it generally means that you have a Firewall or CDN (Content Distribution Network) blocking bots. You will need to give our bot access to the site before we can index it for you. Here are a few common ways in which this happens, along with […]

InLinks Launches Polish Knowledge Graphs

If you are a Polish SEO, please tell others in Poland about this! You can now analyse and optimize content from a topic-based perspective in Polish using InLinks! For the first time, you can set up projects in Polish and create new content or audit existing content and the InLinks system will be able to […]